Yesterday I spoke of personal prayer, I have also written about the daily effort to be spent to progress on the spiritual path.
Many have concerns such as ... if I am not constant in my daily spiritual task, step back? My answer is this: To halt does not mean it is not moving backward, it would be if the person includes activities that are opposite to a spiritual path. But to stop or stop doing personal work of each day makes you lose the habit of doing it and you lose the harmony that is achieved in permanence.
Well then, what is the proper daily task?
Those suited to each person, the advice can be successful and can not, because only each hiker knows his weaknesses and even more if it exercises regularly will know fully what are their difficulties.
So if a road is very difficult to reach a goal, you must find a longer path to follow more accessible although take longer to go across.
Not recommended to stretch the inner cord to the dangerous limit to burst, is not recommended to spend 10 hours a day to repeat and repeat dozens of prayers and mantras to mean only that a vocal exercise that leaves nothing more than fatigue.
I can give examples of exercises, many other teachers can do to, but the important thing is that the walker choose carefully all of them, which can make and which will bring further improvement.
Another tip, is not recommended for the traveler, at any time of his way to claim spiritual climb 20 steps a short time, the reasons are many but the easiest to understand is that hardly succeeds.
Humility is a building block for the seeker, perhaps now in this moment, is not desirable to think that if we keep a routine in a few days to reach a higher echelon? The time will bring other achievements, step by step.
On the other hand, once you reach 3 steps up the perspective will be different, and it is possible that the new height shows the need to refine the direction that we have not seen from below.
Well back to the exercises, we have the simplest mantras are short sentences, its name comes from India, there are hundreds of mantras, Hindu, Tibetan, Buddhists, in short, you can find many online and I recommend it, choose those who seems most appropriate today, work with them consider repeat many times in the day or the days you feel ... later change or add other mantra, that you should only be guided by your affinity for him. Maybe one day will fit you a mantra and tomorrow you may want to repeat another, it's all good.
The prayers are different, there are longer, I as an example, our father, you can repeat it as often as you want, but prayer should not be repeated like a mantra, prayer must be accompanied by a recitation in and at the same time the mind must be focused on each phrase of the prayer is a meditation dedicated to prayer.
I advise that each person as he advances in his own very personal spiritual journey ... try to write your own prayer that humble and honestly express weaknesses or desires, not others, but a prayer to the very soul of oneself, is an intimate dialogue with the soul, an attempt to communicate with the purest each one has.
So is for example something as simple as "my soul Help me to find the good in every person and stop looking at faults", try writing for yourself, correct this sentence all day if necessary, is very powerful effect achieved a personal prayer.
So in summary, by now I recommend, look for your mantras, write your own prayer, repeat them until you get an advance; in the future you can adapt your prayers to your current state of the road.
The road is yours, let your heart and your soul guide you.
A hug, Paul Barbé
(traslated from 5 jul 2011)