Monday, September 12, 2011

my first translation, first day

On June 25 I started my blog on my page in Spanish, I did not have the slightest idea that he could receive acceptance ...
Been a while, and readers are maintained, which means that is an issue, not as seductive as the hundreds that abound on the web, but I can think that ... my notes brings some kind of message and for thar reasson they're still readed. Well then it was time to offer it to others around the world who do not read Spanish, so the next option is English, a language that I use at least acceptably. I apologize to my readers for my poor managment of the language.
So, for now I begin to translate my published articles one by one like I'm begin today.

Well let's all have a path that we walk, some say that the human being when you really understand the meaning of life is when you're next to die, curious no?
In my many years of walking in this life, I had to understand that the more I learned was when I missed more, when I made big mistakes, the more hurt an experience, then the pain passed, I begin to see from the distance all the teachings ...
There were also many periods holes, those who think that the day to day, week after week passes without leaving anything encouraging crawling.
As many people have had, I too, lived when all seems fine, no grateful to life that he had, but when many things were lost ... only after I saw how important was what was lost.

So I said to people I know, it's very easy to laugh when all is well, but difficult is getting up again and again ... harder when I saw that I have repeated old mistakes, again!
Prayer has been a curious experience when I did it more methodically, it seemed a terrible effort to keep doing it "to deaf ears," as long ceased to pray, to thank for everything, then come to me experiences that tell to my heart ... there is more to live as if life were the only one.

Many experiences have convinced me that there is something beyond this life to live, something else is, but of course everything that is said is not always what convinces me ...
But I live here and trying to understand ... is that beyond this life and of course I do with this conviction.

My greetings to all, Paul Barbé